Thursday, July 5, 2012

And we've launched!

It's been tremendously exciting the last couple days as we've welcomed our first batch of "live" residents to the QBOL site!  The weather over the past couple days has been a bit too damp and then a lot too hot / humid but it hasn't taken away from the true joy of seeing everybody's positive energy and enthusiasm so far.

Continuing the aerospace theme, we'll continue to try to give our residents a "boost" to start things off with our additional planned orientation activities throughout July before everyone settles in to their longitudinal learning experiences woven together with a Family Medicine thread in August.

Just a reminder to our preceptors to feel free to go to the separate preceptor blog (Behind the QBOL - link in the left hand bar on this screen) just to review or comment on things as we progress and a reminder to everybody to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Onwards and upwards!

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