
We are trying to develop an innovative program built in a “resident centred” way while also incorporating the latest competency based “Triple C” curriculum theories and the nine Queen’s Family Medicine Domains of Clinical Care (DOCCs).

We will emphasize direct observation with the goal of daily field notes and please remember, while we are offering a new program, many of our preceptors are already experienced teachers.

As an FYI, Queen's Family Medicine divides the calendar into 13 four week blocks of time per year.

Here is what we have planned for...


  • covered in various settings including Inpatient care / ER / FM clinics

Inpatient care

  • LHO hospitalists x2 blocks within first year with plan for multiple areas of involvement - newborn exams, inpatient medicine, rehab, palliative, post op care, ER admissions
  • also possible Critical Care and Oncology electives
  • possible LHB hospitalist weeks as well when resident is with FM preceptor in Bowmanville


  • block 7 onwards (after primary set of Obs shifts are completed)
  • residents to be assigned to 2 preceptors as much as possible for continuity of supervision
  • approximately 3 shifts a month
  • graduated responsibility - start at LHB and move to LHO when ready
  • option to “follow a case” (e.g. from ER to OR / Crisis Team / admission)

FM Clinics

  • variety of preceptors, variety of scopes of practice / interests
  • switch preceptors from PGY-1 to PGY-2 for more variety in practice style / patient population / community resources
  • encourage to take advantage of two community sizes with one year in Bowmanville and other in Oshawa to improve competency in different practice settings
Here is the link to the Care of Adults Brainstorming Spreadsheet.  Please review it and feel free to leave any suggestions as far as additional local resident learning experiences which you feel may be helpful.